Today, my youngest daughter (Alicia) and I attended the Minelabbing Day at Woolowin in Brisbane.

The day started off with Greg giving a talk to an enthusiastic crowd about the Minelab GPX 5000 and also about gold. David from
The Open Range had a table set up with a CTX 3030, E-TRAC, X-Terra 705 and a Eureka Gold for everyone to look at and try.
Once the talk was over, it was time for morning tea and
Nenad from Minelab gave advice for anyone who needed it with their detector.

Then it was what my daughter was waiting for, the treasure hunt. Rather a large amount of coins were spread through bark chip which covered an area of approx. 30M x 10M. The aim was to find an American quarter which would win you a Minelab cap. If you found anything else, it was Chupa Chups, Milko Chews or Mentos.
When we took our first lot of coins in (approx. 20) to see what we had won, we realised we still didn't have a quarter. So it was back to the bark chip for another 10 minutes until we found our first quarter. That made my day with a brand new Minelab cap.

We also found another coin which was not part of the treasure hunt, it was deeper than the rest but I will now remember that my very first coin found with a metal detector was an Australian 2c coin
minted in 1980.
Once the treasure hunt was over it was time for the lucky draws. Prizes included a CTX 3030, an X-Terra 705, Minelab Pro-Find 25 Pin-Pointer, shirts and caps. Unfortunately, our numbers didn't come up but we had a great day anyway.
We are both looking forward to the next one. Many thanks go to Minelab, The Open Range and the
Brisbane Metal Detecting Club.
C'mon dad, when's the treasure hunt going to start? |