I'm in the market for a new metal detector. Well, actually, my first metal detector. If you look at the links on my blog, it is all geared towards the XP Deus. You might be thinking that I already have one or about to buy one.
Well, in the Australian market, you are looking at around $1950 for the XP Deus (5% discount if you are a member of the only Australian retailer). Now that is a lot of money for a first detector. But, if you think about, buying a cheaper brand/model, then selling, then buying another brand/model, then selling and vice versa. You are going to spend a lot more than $1950 before purchasing the metal detector you wanted in the first place.
However, you spend all that money at the beginning and then find out that metal detecting is not what you really expected and you lose interest.
I have 3 metal detectors that I am interested in. They are in 3 different price ranges and from 3 different manufacturers.
They include:
XP Deus: $1852.50 (with 5% discount from Prospectors Patch)
- Weight
- Wireless
- 4 frequencies
- Rechargeable
Minelab Safari: $1210 (from BrisbaneGold)
- Ease of Use
- Australian
- Local store
Garrett AT Pro (not International): $705.45USD (from Texas Premium Detectors)
- Price
- Waterproof to 10ft
- 2 Coils at that price
The first thing I will be doing however, is attending the BMDC monthly meeting this Thursday and speaking to a few of the experienced members. There is also a training day on the 26th January so I hope a few members turn up with a range of detectors.
I have read all the reviews on these detectors and it doesn't make my decision any easier. There is not a lot of information on the Safari as most of the reviews are for its big brother, the E-TRAC.
I have ordered one product which was a no-brainer, the Garrett Pro-Pointer.